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Why you need to be covered…

We recommend you get covered as soon as you book your trip! Did you know that 30% of travel insurance claims are made before the travelling even starts?

If you can’t afford travel insurance, can you afford to travel?

For those who never travel with it, you’ll hear things like “Oh, it doesn’t matter if you lose your bags, just travel light with stuff you can afford to replace” or “Medical bills in South East Asia are pretty cheap, if you need to get over Bali belly” or our favourite “Travel insurance companies will just tell you the horror stories to get you to buy insurance”.

The last one is unashamedly true.

They absolutely want you to know that they have had to deal with thousands of emergencies and evacuations over the years. We want you to know that without travel insurance, an emergency evacuation could cost at least in excess of $50,000.

In most cases your travels with go without a hitch. You’ll not have to experience the nightmare of being seriously ill or injured in a foreign country. But if you do, the last thing you want is not having the support or financial means to get treated and flown home.

For that alone, travel insurance is worth every cent.


Check out this comprehensive Consumer. Travel Insurance Guide with all you need to know before boarding the plane.


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